About Me

- miniunnie
- So, most of my OCs are up here because where I rp at doesn't allow me to post them up which is lame. They're all here except for the ones on the site. I have a YouTube channel that's mostly gaming and I don't have a specific theme like most people which is usually Minecraft, CoD, horror, pixel, or simulation games. Me? I just do whatever I feel like playing...and what I can afford. YouTube is the same name if you didn't know.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Getting to know Naomi
1. What is your name?
Naomi Davenport, at your service! :)
2. Do you know why you were named that?
No. I didn't exactly know my parents, so it's not like I can ask them right now.
3. Are you single or taken?
Single obviously
4. Have any abilities or powers?
I have two Innocence. One is my eyes and the other is my blood, but I won't go into detail about them ;P
5. Stop being a Mary-sue!
You stop being a Mary-sue! XP
6. What's your eye color?
From what I read, my eyes used to be sea green. They must have been pretty, but now they're red.
7. How about hair color?
My hair is platinum blonde~!
8. Have you any family-members?
Not blood related to me, but General Tiedoll is like my papa and then for my brothers there's Marie, Kanda, and Daisya! Oh...but Daisya...he's not around anymore. :(
9. Oh? How about pets?
None at all. I don't really plan on getting one.
10. That's cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don't like.
General Cross and his stupid idea of a nickname he's given me. Not to mention, when did he get a look at my chest?! Ugh, and then there's Road. I hate her...so annoying. Plus, Tyki needs to stop calling me his "Crimson Butterfly"! He can't just go and call me that! > //// < I also don't like my previous name those townspeople gave me...
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Making new friends of course!
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in anyway before?
Yeah, but it was an accident! I didn't mean to trip down the stairs and drop the books in my hands. Kanda had a black eye for a good week because of me.
13. Ever... killed anyone before?
Technically Akuma wouldn't count, but I guess I have since they're kind of people...man this sucks.
14. What kind of animal are you?
A cat of course! Have you seen my curiosity levels? They're off the charts!
15. Name your worst habits?
Hmm...I guess my curiosity, but that's not a habit is it?
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
General Tiedoll of course! It was thanks to him that I got to see the world with my own eyes.
17. Are you Gay, Straight, or Bisexual?
Straight, I'm straight. My gate doesn't swing the other way or even bends.
18. Do you go to school?
I couldn't as a child because of the name calling. Papa tried to teach me, but ended up only teaching me how to be an exorcist while traveling the world together.
19. Ever wanna marry and have kids one day
I never really thought about it. I'm pretty happy with things right now.
20. Do you have fangirls/fanboys?
I think General Cross is a fanboy, but I'm not sure. He's...creepy.
21. What are you most afraid of?
Death...I guess. Oh, there's the Gatekeeper! He scares the living crap out of me! I hate going through the front door every time I come back from a mission.
22. What do you usually wear?
Well, I wear a hood cape thing. It's similar to Daisya's exorcist uniform only I only have the cape thing. I wear a light blue dress that stops just past my knees and a white apron is tied around me. My shoes are actually black flats since they're the only shoes I could find that make the least amount of noise. Whether my hair is up or down, I wear a red ribbon in my hair.
23. What's one food that tempts you?
Any kind of food! Food is what gives me fuel!
24: Am I annoying you?
You'd have to be Road to annoy me...or General Cross.
25. Well, it's still not over!
26. What class are you? (low class, middle class, high class)?
I guess low class. I don't own a room in the Black Order. Lately, I've been sleeping in trees. They're rather comfortable.
27. How many friends do you have?
There's too many to count, but Krory is my most recent friend I've made so far!
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
You're making me hungry! Maybe Jeryy could cook me something real fast after this interview.
29. Do you enjoy your lifestyle?
Yes and no. I like the people I work with. They make my life exciting, but I don't like this lifestyle because it reminds me of what I am. I don't want to be constantly reminded about my past.
30. Favorite drink?
I drink water mostly, but I love milk. It helps me sleep at night.
31. What's your favorite place?
Not the front door. I guess the cafeteria since I get to eat Jeryy's amazing food!
32. Are you interested in anyone~?
I'm interested in everyone! *not understanding the question*
33. That was a stupid question. I killed it.
What did you kill!?
34. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
Huh, I'm not sure. I've never swam before, so I think it's best for me not to swim in either.
35. What's your type?
Type? A-Are we talking about boys?! Why are you asking me this?!
36. Any fetishes?
What is wrong with you?! I don't have any! Stop!
37. Seme or uke?
I've spent time with the Asian Branch before, but never, and I mean NEVER, have I ever heard those words before.
38. Camping or indoors?
Camping of course! I do it all the time while I'm on a job~!
Oh wow...1:10 AM xD
There's Naomi for ya! She's happy, clumsy, oblivious to love, gets flustered when asked about boys, and knows nothing of Asian languages because she's Swedish!
This is the last one until I come up with more OCs. There are about three more I think that I have in mind, but I forgot which anime/manga they go in. ^^;
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