About Me

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So, most of my OCs are up here because where I rp at doesn't allow me to post them up which is lame. They're all here except for the ones on the site. I have a YouTube channel that's mostly gaming and I don't have a specific theme like most people which is usually Minecraft, CoD, horror, pixel, or simulation games. Me? I just do whatever I feel like playing...and what I can afford. YouTube is the same name if you didn't know.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Karen || Full Metal Alchemist OC ||

Name: Karen Becker

Age: Early 20's

Aliases: That girl with three jobs

Birthplace: Western Amestris


Unknown father (deceased)
Unknown mother (deceased)
Mother Annabel (68, alive)


Amestrian State Military
Sweet Indulgence
The local orphanage

Species: Human

Weapon: Shotgun


Desk Intern
Delivery Girl/Cashier

Unique Trait: Plaid scarf

Goal: Have a stable life


Mother Annabel (Karen loves Mother Annabel as her own mother. They keep in touch via letter since the church doesn't own a phone due to financial issues. She feels obligated to send money to help them out despite her own financial issues.)

Roy Mustang (She ignores all his attempts to flirt with her when she's on the job. Karen doesn't find him attractive with his personality. Despite being a good alchemist, Karen doesn't see how every girl at the front desk swoons over him.)

Alex Louis Armstrong (He always seems to make her laugh when she's having a tough day. They have high respects for one another and Armstrong is one of the few people who call her Karen.)

Edward Elric (Karen worries about him when she sees him, but doesn't want to put more stress on him than what he already has on his shoulders. She gives off the older sister vibe to him and hopes that he won't push himself over the limit.)

Alphonse Elric (They have a sibling relationship, but not with what he and Edward have. She cares for his well being and they chat when they see each other outside the office. Alphonse reminds her of the children at the orphanage, so she tries her best to make sure he's well.)

Maes Hughes (Karen always saw him as a father figure before she got her job as an intern. She owes so much to him and when he passed away, Karen decided that half of her pay would go to the Hughes Family which she sends anonymously.)

Riza Hawkeye (They both have a calming relationship. Neither yell at each other unless one does something rather stupid. Karen sees Riza as a sister, but doesn't show it as much as she shows her sister side to the Elric Brothers.)

Good Traits: 

Good Listener
Hard Working

Bad Traits: 

Light Sleeper
Hard Worker


Passing out while listening to others


When she was born, her parents had taken her to an orphanage at a local church not ready for a family seeing how unstable their lives were. Growing up, Karen would help out with the other kids while taking care of herself. It went like that up until she was of age to live on her own. Mother Annabel encouraged Karen to live in Central and help out with the orphanage there that was run by a good friend of hers. Karen agreed and moved to Central living at the orphanage there. There was no pay, but they gave her a roof over her head. Needing money, Karen began to look for a job on the streets. One day, she was about to give up when she ran into a man walking along in the park with his wife and daughter. His daughter had seen her and rushed over handing her a flower making Karen smile. This was how Karen and Maes Hughes met. She had told him how she was looking for a job to help the orphanage along with the orphanage back home. He had reccommended her to the front desk and landed her a job as a paid intern. Karen was grateful and started the following day. She enjoyed the people she worked with and worked hard for her money. When Roy Mustang and his crew moved in, she had gained stressed after getting another job at a nearby bakery she worked right after her work hours at the desk. Roy met her at the front desk and instantly flirted with her seeing how he had succeeded with the other women around. Countless of times, she turned him down. Karen would even give him the cold shoulder when she needed to pass on a message to Riza or have a chat with Hughes. When Hughes passed on, Karen cut her salary in half by sending it to the Hughes family. Since then, she's had less time to have a social life since working was more important in reaching her goal than talking to others.

Love Interest: 
Jean Havoc or Greed (the new Greed, not the one that Edward Elric first met)


  • Karen does her best to avoid Roy.
  • She takes a walk at night when she can't sleep.
  • Karen is always half an hour early to work.
  • Due to her work schedule, Karen tends to forget to eat properly.
  • Her goal was decided when she discovered about her parents abandoning her due to their unstable lifestyle which was when she was ten.
  • The plaid scarf was given to her by Mother Annabel as a good luck charm for her new journey in Central.
  • Compared to most women in Central, she has a small chest and still looks like a teenager to most of the military personel.
  • Karen is always the first to see Armstrong when he returns to Central.
  • Riza visits Karen at the bakery when she can.
  • At the bakery, Karen has been put at gun point several times.
  • Behind her desk, by the cash register, and at the orphanage, Karen keeps a shotgun for self protection.

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